# Outline of a European policy plan to support open source software
As outlined during the OW2Con21 conférence. [Slides here](https://speakerdeck.com/sfermigier/ow2con-2021-how-public-policies-can-contribute-to-the-sustainability-of-the-european-open-source-ecosystem-and-why-they-should)
## General principles
* **Enforce** existing regulations “encouraging”, “preferring” or “mandating” the use of F/OSS in the public administration, add missing ones
* **Promote** the F/OSS ecosystem, including the EU business sector
* **Finance** both innovative and maintenance work, using the proper financial tools
## Proposed strategic plan
### Double down on OSPOs
* OSPOs everywhere + network of OSPOs
* Engagement with the F/OSS EU business ecosystems should be explicit in their mission
* One of the OSPOs’ KPIs should be to explicitly increase the proportion of F/OSS in IT purchasing by the public administration they are working for
### Finance open source work
* Increase the proportion of F/OSS (and OSH…) projects in **R&D and Innovation financing**
* Ensure that proper, **direct contractualisation** with F/OSS SMEs is possible and regularly activated, including with F/OSS vendors
* Ensure that **large support contracts**, which are usually awarded to large IT companies, provide enough value to SME that create and maintain the software they support
* Develop **explicit funding schemes** for infrastructure software when the contractualisation schemes above are not an option
### Level the playing field for F/OSS
* **Promote** F/OSS, either specifically (e.g. directories of existing solutions and technologies) or in the context of existing promotion schemes for the tech sector (e.g. “La French Tech”)
* Increase awareness around F/OSS in the **education** and higher education curricula
* Ensure adequate **legal frameworks**: interoperability requirements, public procurement regulations, no software patents, GDPR, etc.
* Keep the influence of “**big tech**” companies at bay